August 28, 2010

Diary of a Freshman: Funny Things I Have Heard

High School is weird. High School is a place with a lot of different people. Because of these things, I've heard and seen quite a few things in my two weeks at high school.

In Health class:

After my teacher talks about Camaros, money, how good he thinks he looks, how cool he was in high school, dances, nightclubs, pharmaceutical companies, sports, over the phone meetings, layoffs, the electric slide, and different ways people have cheated in the past on his tests for FORTY-FIVE MINUTES, he returns to the subject in the last three minutes of class with a, "So, uh, I dunno, good mental health."

A teacher to a student in the hallway:

"Yes, but if you're a pirate on the high seas..."

On my technology handout:

'Manu PC maker fudge.'

And that's in only two weeks! Imagine what kind of gold I'll have in a month!

Also, I found and opened my locker--on my first try! Tip: The only time you should go looking for it is study hall. Just search the walls for a number near yours as you go from class to class.

So, what have you heard recently?

From Your Freshie Blogger,

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