December 30, 2008

New Years Resolutions

At the start of every year, we're all pressured into having New Year's Resolutions that we all know we won't keep or remember.

I wonder who came up with New Year's Resolutions to begin with. I say it was some teacher with no life who wanted to keep kids "working towards a goal," or some rubbish like that.

Maybe it was created by some old-time person who thought that the world would blow up (or something along those apocalyptic lines) at the end of the year, so when it didn't, he thought it a miracle. He then decided to be a better person, since God saved him. (Of course, he forgot all about the resolutions made and was struck deceased in March. R.I.P.)

Another Theory (according to Goals Guy): The mythical King Janus of Rome in 153 B.C.E. was on the head of the calender for the beginning of the year. Two of his heads, actually. One looking forward--to the future--, and the other, backward--to the past. I suppose they took from this that they should hopefully make the future better than the past, one step at a time.

Ridiculous! The first two are much more probable.

Hey, I know it's off subject, but look what I just learned to do!!
{Nadia Murti's Crazy Little Thoughts}
I didn't know I could do that!! Now I'll have to go back and create a link for EVERYTHING.
Okay, back to our topic.

I mean, what kind of weirdo would believe THAT?! It's obviously created by a Roman mythology nerd who was trying to prove to someone that he isn't a geek because the cheerleaders' favorite thing about New Years is the resolution, so if the Romans invented it, then the geek will be less of a geek for being interested by them. Or so he thinks.

Well, wherever it's from, it's merely a recipe for disappointment. I remember my five NYRs from January 1st, 2008. I didn't succeed with any, and I am ashamed of myself.

Although, like always, I'll be pressured into having a resolution, and I will go through the entire process once more. So I don't think I'll try to fight it at all.

'Til next time (which should be on January 10th), au revoir, children.

December 29, 2008

Mini-Blog: Quick Question

Quick Question: Is it possible to see how many views your blog has gotten? I know it's possible for your profile, but not everyone who looks at your profile goes to your blog, and vice versa.

So is there some magic button to press? Magic words to say? Magic things to do? Magic...crap, I ran out of things to say.

December 28, 2008

Imaginary Friends

I recently met a little kid with an adorable imaginary friend, and it made me think of my old ones.

It's funny how when we're small our minds are our only friends. Now we're so different; sometimes we don't even bother to use our brains. I remember my imaginary...acquaintances.

Look, I wasn't like all the other kids when I was little. I didn't have imaginary friends. I had imaginary enemies. My enemy was actually a large clique. They were all pretty much joined at the hip. They were in a circle but faced wherever their leaders faced at all times.

Their Alpha Commander's name was Leena, and her second banana's name was Emily. (I named all of my characters Leena and Emily.) Leena looked like my older sister. I wasn't imaginative enough to create the looks of all the other girls. They were colorless and featureless; only outlines.

Leena and Emily were so mean to me! They called me names and pushed me down stairs! They also made messes and I always got blamed for them. Whenever I got in trouble or Leena said something mean, the girls who had no names all started giggling. Oh, their laughs were so annoying!!!

I always used to tell on them to my mom, but she just thought I was crazy. I heard her talking to my dad about sending me to therapy. She also thought I was seeing violent ghosts.

I think that the world would be a better place if we still had imaginary friends. (Not Imaginary Enemies. You're weird in the head if you have those. But you have to admit, they're a lot cooler than plain imaginary friends. I cringe at the mundane-ness.)

"Are you kidding me? The world would be filled with a bunch of crazy people! How is that good?" asks that revolting reader.

Well, have you ever heard of imaginary friends who gave you bad advice? No. Emily and Leena were mean to me, but they never gave me advice, good or bad. And they always gave me company, which I needed so I wouldn't go crazy. Actually, I think they're the reason I am who I am today. It may well have made me think in the way I'm given example of in these posts.

I think that as I grew up, Leena and Emily would have matured and we'd have become friends. They would have helped me through thick and thin, and they'd encourage me to do the right thing.

So what I wonder is why parents think that keeping an imaginary friend is bad. It just doesn't make sense.

December 26, 2008

The List

If you look at any magazine, they've just published their End-Of-The-Year issue. This issue always has lists of some sort, and occasionally why. So here are my lists:

Worst Movie Of The Year: The Clone Wars. It RUINED Star Wars. They made it for little kids, and had it animated! Everyone knows that when you make another movie long after the series is dead (especially in this decade), it sucks. Example: Cinderella 2 and 3, Fox And The Hound 2, The Ring 2, The Grudge 2, The Eye 2, and Beauty And The Beast 2.

Best Movie: Twilight. Twilight-Haters, not a word. I held my breath for half the movie, I was so blown away. (No joke, I had a major headache afterwords. And then I got a sore throat from yelling.) But now that I think of it, I didn't have to see the movie; if you put all the sneak peaks in order, you've seen the it.

Worst Book of 2008: Breaking Dawn by S. Meyer. Don't even get me started. I wrote a three-page essay about why I hated it for a Critical Reader Essay, and I still didn't get to write everything I wanted to get down. It had bad editing, everyone was out of character, it broke rules Meyer set up for the Twilight world, (SPOILER!) the happy ending was NOT well earned, etc...

Best Book of 2008: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landua-Banks by Emily Lockhart. Frankie is a different kind of girl, she stands up for herself. The book is well written. The characters act like people. It's hard to find a book like that, so The Disreputable History is a good, refreshing, find.

Worst Song: Soulja' Boy by a dumb person. I swear, the next person to sing that obnoxiously repetative song will be pained.

"Soulja' boy, I'm in the--oh! Watch me crank tha--" that anymous reader says.

"ELVES, ATTACK!" I command. (Santa came by I stole his elves since he stole my plans. Plus, I'm now a member of S.P.E.W. They're being paid, don't worry.)

Now, where was I? Oh, yes.

Best Song: Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron And Wine. The song is so sweet, and heartfelt, it pretty much tears my heart out. It's SO good! The lyrics are good as well.

Worst Blog: Um...I can't find any truly horrible ones, so I pick...Liza. She subscribes, and doesn't even have a blog.

Best Blogs: I can't choose just one, so I'll make a list:
#1-Maureen Johnson's Blog
#2-Dahlia's Eclectic Mind
#3-The Everchanging Lives of 13 and Co.
#4-Twilight Girl's Stuff
#5-Ally's Diary
(I'll link in the side)

Worst Fashion Trend of 2008: The Uggs. UGGS. UGG-ly. There's a reason they're called what they are, people!

Best Fashion Trend of 2008: Babydolls. I loved them so much. It was a little ridiculous. I think I only had 4 non-babydoll shirts in April.

Best Day: November 4th! GOBAMA!

Worst Day: Black Tuesday. That was a very suckish day.

Fictional Man of The Year: Wesley Gibson. Oh. My. God. He's a millionaire hit man, he's good looking, and he stands up for himself. Or Edward Cullen. He's definitely had a very good year.

Fictional Woman of The Year: Sam Puckett. Even though her best friend, Carly, is such a goody-goody, and so different from herself, she hasn't change a bit. I honor that kind of strong character.

That's all I can think of. :D

Remind me of anything I forgot to sort out into Best and Worst.

December 24, 2008

My Question For Maureen

Today, my family and I watched Mama Mia, and my mom is a big ABBA fan, and my dad just likes to sing during musicals. So, I was in the kitchen, and my parents and an aunt of mine came upstairs singing Dancing Queen. I asked them to stop.

They sang louder.

I begged them to stop the audio terrorism.

It wouldn't end.

So I went over to Maureen Johnson's blog, and she's doing this Live Blog thing, where she takes questions from the comments and gives a funny answer. Well, I posted one. I was the 60th or so to post. Look what I saw on her blog 10 minutes later:


Nadia Murti said...
What should one do when confronted by loud parents who refuse to stop singing ABBA? When these parents cannot sing?


My question was chosen! Isn't that so cool!!! (I know, I'm a nerd.)

December 23, 2008

Santa's Motive

Hmph...I suppose it's that time of year again, which means time to speculate.

"About... ?" prompts that odious reader from four entries ago.

About why Santa really sneaks into your house at night.

First of all, who would be stupid enough to invite a creeper like Kringle into their home with cookies and milk?! Do you want to see that diamond ring again? By the way, if you lose a sock on Christmas Eve/Day, it means Santa's elves took them because they're not paid enough to buy some of their own.

So once he gets in, he a) eats your cookies, b) lets his elves steal your socks, c) sets his reindeer on your presents (the ones your parents got you). And finally, he kidnaps everyone 7 years and under to work in his "toy factory." It's really a sweat shop!

I mean, have you ever seen in any Christmas movie the elves getting paid? No! What about eating? I think not! They are unpaid, unfed slaves!

"Are you sure? Don't you think they'd have revolted against him by now?" says my demonic reader.

"Yes, I'm sure, you insufferable know-it-all." (Who knows where that line is from?)

You see, even though I don't celebrate Christmas, Kringle/Nick/Santa came by my house and swooped up my written world dictation plans, therefore knew how to keep his "elves" in check. All you have to do is wait for one elf to make the smallest mistake and make a scapegoat out of him.

So, do you still think he's an innocent, happy, jolly ole' guy? Let's hope not.

"So, Ms. Murti, what do we do now with you oh-so-important revelation?"

Nadia, try not to strangle her, says Gregor.

Well, now you need to camouflage all of the children under seven years old as lawn gnomes. Also, instead of leaving cookies, leave him spinach. (Have you seen him! It would do him well to cut back on the sweets. Plus, he might smell it and immediately be put off his game.) Keep your socks in a high, hard-to-reach place. Remember to keep your presents in a safe. Lastly, and most importantly, keep your world dictation plans in a safe place. With them, he could become unstoppable. And that would be bad.

Okay, kids, hope that didn't scare you!

December 22, 2008

Where Do The Socks Go?

A constant question to my brain. There are so many places they could've gone! They could have left to the secret town of LostSockaton, or their sanctuary, the incredible under-the-dryer, or they might have dissolved!!! Actually, that dissolving theory would make a lot of sense...except, I don't think cotton or spandex or whatever crazy material they're made of is dissolvable.

That's it! The thing it's made of! It can't have gone under the dryer, because it would need either a) a secret back-door, or b) a large crack. LostSockaton is in Lesotho (a country in Africa) (I know! That's the genius: no one would look there!), and you can imagine how hard it would be for a sock to get onto a plane to Africa unnoticed. I mean, don't you think people would get a little suspicious if random lone socks were in their suitcases? (Ha ha.)

But Well, according to my research on Wikipedia, socks can be made from any of these: cotton, wool, nylon, acrylic, polyester, olefin (sounds like a name for an elf!), polypropylene (weirdest word ever!), and SPANDEX!!

Now, which of these is dissovlable? Since I'm too lazy to actually research, and I know that if I do, I'll have no explanation for where the socks go, because science will get in the way, I'm going to have to use my intuition on this.

Well, spandex definitely won't dissolve. Have you felt it? You can't break those strings apart from each other.

Polypropylene can dissolve, from the sounds of the word, but it would take years. So, unless you wash your polypropoleen socks for years at a time, it's not the answer to our little mystery.

Olefin, I'm guessing, won't dissolve.

Polyester can't be dissolved, but can be destroyed. It can be destroyed by the water weakening the strings and pull them apart. Other than that, polyester is not the answer.

Acrylic is also a kind of paint, and paintings can be destroyed by water. Possibly even dissolved by it. So yes, acrylic socks can be dissolved. So if you have any acrylic socks, then I suggest you don't wash them, rather than take a chance having them dissolve.

Nylon: No way! Only light can destroy nylon! (Just don't even ask how I came to the conclusion. It was just the sound of the word, and when I heard it, it sounded like something that glowed in the dark.)

Wool is a definite possibility, but if it dissolves, that means that the fur on sheep dissolve in the rain.

Cotton does dissolve in water, while in its simplist form.

So there you have it. THAT is where your socks go. I don't know what you'll do with this information, but I am going to stop washing my socks altogether. And I'll never move to Lesotho.


December 20, 2008

Mini-Blog: Gallagher Girls 3-First Chapter!

OK, I was at Books-A-Million today, and they ALREADY HAVE Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy in paperback, so I was (probably) the first person to read the first chapter of Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover! (Not including publishers and editors and stuff.) I don't even know why they had it three days early, but thank God they did. The first chapter is AWESOME! I love Macey! She is the second ultimate Gallagher Girl. Bex is first. She has nearly everything it takes to be a Gallagher Girl! (Hmm, I think that'll be a blog entry. "What It Takes To Be A Gallagher Girl." Watch out for it.)

Tell me if I should tell you about it.

December 14, 2008

Mismatch Day

Ah, mismatch day. It's torture to me, but a great good thrill to all those geeks out there. Finally! they think A day where we're normal! A day where we look just like everybody else.

I think Mismatch Day is either a day where we want to do one of the following:

A) Be just like the dweebs out there since we're just so sympathetic.

B) Make fun of nerds of the world, in which case it's very mean and stupid. Stupid, because since it's nerds of the world, they will build bombs and weapons of pain to torture all who celebrate. Since it's mean, and it destroys the already-crumbling self-esteem of those pitiful
beings, it really should have been stopped years ago.

C) We want to be like them, because they are so cool, they're uncool. It's like when you get the mega-high-score on a game, it takes you back to zero, and you're like, "NOOOOOOOO!!" Then you kill yourself because you're a failure at life. Then of course the video game company shuts down. People lose money from the falling stocks. Better to not play at all, methinks.

D) We're all nerds on the inside, and this day is meant to let it shine bright. Shine, inner nerd child thing!!

I'm SO weird!! Okay, bye bye now, kids.

December 10, 2008

People Particles

I'm learned about the exact science of dissolving. I feel that it is much like people, in a certain scenario. Let me paint you a picture.....on a computer......with a blog......which isn't painting....nor would it be a picture.... Oh, whatever! You know what I mean!

Alright, so the new kids (the solute (A.K.A. the solid)) are dropped into the school, which is filled with so many people who all are of the same kind (the solvent(A.K.A. the liquid)).

The old kids* are all apart of groups, or cliques. The pound at and cluster and pester the new kids**. Finally, the clique/group sucks them in.

The group's girls surround the new kid, so they're the only one the new kid can see. The Clique Girls influence her, because their values and attitudes are the only ones she can see. Then again, what does it matter that they specifically are the only ones to be seen when every Group Girl is exactly the same, no matter the group?

After some time, the new kid, or the solute, is one of them. (S)He is one of them. They are Group Girls/Guys. (Groupies?)

You no longer see the new kid.

The solute is gone.

Metaphor partially over!

Isn't that just like human behavior? Our minds are clouded with characteristics and traits of a certain person, whether it's a friend or boy or whatever, and we end up losing ourselves. And like dissolving, the only way to find yourself is if the solvent/person disappears.

"Disappears?" a reader says. "The solvent doesn't disappear! It just evaporates."

The new kid must make the old kids disappear by causing themselves to no longer care for their opinions. (Or they have to kill 'em, either way works.)

"Yeah," my obnoxious reader says, trying to poke holes in my well-written and thought-out stories and comparisons, "but since it only evaporates; it could come back."

That's the sad thing. It comes back. But you can no longer be harmed by them, you see. Your experience has taught you a lesson, and now while you can physically mix with them, you won't dissolve. You are a new product.

My reader says, "Well, but--."

"SHUT. UP. You little--."

Let's keep this blog PG, now, Nadia, advises the dumb little voice in my head.

I listened to Gregor (the voice in my head) this time, Reader, but I'm still watching you.

Okey-Dokey, hope that helps with your next Science test! Or psychology....whichever.

*I love a good oxymoron.

**That's redundant.

December 03, 2008

Easy Foods

I said, "Easy as lemons," today, and my friend was like, "What's that?" Of course, it's a phrase. She had never heard it used and didn't think it was a phrase. We got into a big fight about foods that can be used in that phrase. So that got me thinking: What foods are easy?

Yet, that is not the question. The real question is: How do you classify "easy?"

Well, there's a series of ways to classify it. Here are the ones I've thought of so far.

1. You could say that if they're easy to eat, they're easy foods. In this case, lemons would not be in the "easy" ranks. Instead, the easy foods would be cheese and waffles.

2. Or you could classify it by how easy it goes through your digestive system, in which case cheese would not make the cut (Ba dum bam!). What would make the cut would be oats and...Lactaid or something.

3. Another possible way to classify would be by how easy it is to burn off the calories gained from the food. In this case, celery would be the easiest food ever! People would be saying, "Easy as celery," like there was no tomorrow. But, in case people didn't like that--though they would have no reason not to--the back-up food is watermelon.

4. Or is it ranked by how easy it is to make yourself eat it? Like, would you really eat a banana when there's a banana pie right next to it? In this case, pie would be an easy food. Hm..."Easy as pie..." Nah, that sounds weird. Who would ever say "Easy as pie?!" I think "Easy as ice cream" is ultimately better.

5. Maybe it's based on how easy it is to say. In this situation, zucchini simply cannot win. Neither can tomato, or potato. Spaghetti just automatically loses. The best ones I can think of are kiwis and bread.

6. The Last. In this scenario, the question is "How easy is it to make?" In which case, spaghetti wins, rather than getting automatically disqualified. Or it may be, easy mac. "Easy as easy mac." That might work.

I, personally, am endeavored of, "Easy as waffles." You? What's your favorite rule? phrase? What other phrase did I exclude? Anything else? To voice your opinion, leave a comment!

December 01, 2008

Snowy Stories

I told an online friend that I would write a little winter-time story for her. How would one go about doing that? I'm not very familiar with "winter fever" or whatever it's called. I mean, I'm very familiar with the "winter cold fever," but not the spirit, cheeriness, mood, or any other silly little phrase like that. Here is what I have so far: there's a party that Ally is not supposed to be at, because her parents told her not to go. She gets snowed in.

That's it. What are the characteristics of a good winter story? Um...friendship? That can be worked in... Ugh, I have a real urge to make this an action, adventure, horror, fantasy, but anything but a fuzzy winter story.

I know what you're going to say, so don't say it! (Especially you, Chrissy/Vampire Girl.) Don't say that if I don't feel it, that I shouldn't write it. I want it to be a fuzzy winter story, and I want to write it. It's just hard. I have practice with making it lovey or gruesome. I need to learn how to make it...snowy. Yeah, that's the word. But the powdery kind of snow. None of that frozen crust stuff.

Sorry, I'm making no sense.

LEAVE COMMENTS with help in them! (Movies to get into the winter "spirit" are helpful.)

November 30, 2008

Mini-Blog: Twilight Nerdiness

Alright, do you remember when I told you of my plan to be the biggest nerd there at the theaters? Well, the plan was a success! I was the ninth person in the mega-long line! I got pretty good seats, with my best friends sitting all around me. OK, that's it.

November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving is meant to celebrate our friendship with the Native Americans, and to be thankful for whatever we have. Back then, they were thankful for the help received and to be alive (because of the Natives). They were all buddy-buddy then, but a week later the killing began. To put it in less gruesome terms, I'll speak of them in metaphors, or I'll compare them to someone/thing that we are all familiar with.

The Pilgrims are the (girl) cheerleaders. Finals and report cards are coming, and they need help so that can stay on the cheer squad with at least a C average.

The Native Americans are the (guy) nerds. The cheerleaders put on their best smile and worked the charm for them. They got the Nerds to do their extra credit and tutor them in math and science for nothing in return.

The Cheerleaders then noticed that it must be fishy to the smart Nerds that they spend so much time together, and yet are never invited to hang out. So, they put together a nice little party. There were the Cheerleaders, the Nerds, and some others. The party's theme?: (Thanks For Being Our) Best Friends Forever! The Nerds were so happy. At first, they thought them to be conniving, deceitful, wicked air-heads. The Nerds were glad that they got to know them better and find that that was not the case.

Next week, when report cards had been handed out, and finals were done with, the Nerds came to sit at the Cheerleaders' table. They were, of course, rejected verbally. Thinking that they needed some space or were just PMSing, they left, stung. This happened time after time, until finally, gym came.

Ah, dodge ball. What a murderous sport. The Nerds were pained [physically] horribly. Most lost all hope in the Cheerleaders, believing them cruel chicks who were using them the whole while. Others remained merely wary.

The final blow came. The basketball game. The Cheerleaders were there. They hung the Nerds from/in the basketball hoops and others jeered. The Cheerleaders had tortured the Nerds into eternal embarrassment and had taken over the place where Nerds had previously been normal high schoolers.

Story over.

Now, should we really celebrate the Cheerleaders' cruel ploy? Look, I love turkey and Black Friday Sales as much as the next day, but is it really ethical?

November 25, 2008

After Deadline

My English teacher got really excited about something she saw on her computer, so she jumped up and told us. It was about a blog that took articles from the New York Times and pointed out grammatical errors in them. They debated whether or not it was a grammatical error or not, and if it was, the author who wrote it admitted to their mistake. She used the phrase, "...but I find this exciting, because I'm kind of nerdy like that...," or something along those lines.

I, of course, being the dork I am, found this exciting and bookmarked the page. It's very quite interesting, actually, and it helps with Language Arts since in the end of every blog it tells you the rule.

Alright, here's the link, if you want it:

BTW, the name of the blog is either After Deadline or When Spell-Check Can't Help: A Quiz.

November 24, 2008

Twilight Movie! (MAJOR Spoiler Alert) Part 3

Here are some things I didn't like about the Twilight Movie. It's not as long as the other list. Here it is, going from beginning to end:

-I didn't like when Jacob and Bella met. It seemed kind of fake.

-Robert's facial expressions

-They flew over 3 months in 5 minutes.

-They were desperately in love within the first 10 minutes of the movie.

-There's no Blood Type and they cut all of the cafeteria scenes!

-I don't like how aggressive Edward gets after Bella says her dramatic, "No." It's not like him.

-I hate that he looked like he was made of glitter, or shiny sweat. That wasn't how I imagined it to look like.

-Them lying in the grass seemed too fake.

-There were way too many, "Okay then, Creeper," moments.

-I can't tell whether or not Rosalie was being serious when she said, "Perfect."

-The piano playing part was unnecessarily dramatic. It was good, but the dry ice could have been toned down.

-The fakeness of their animal tendencies.

-Robert's facial expressions

-Bella looked a bit weird when she was in pain.

-Robert's facial expressions.

-Renee didn't look a lot like Renee.

-The Prom didn't even attempt to match the original.

The End! Whoa, I must have really liked that movie. That settles it; I have to see it again.

November 22, 2008

Twilight Movie! (MAJOR Spoiler Alert) Part 2

List of my favorite things from the Twilight Movie, part 2.

-Jessica tanning herself on the table, with what she was wearing.

-I love when Bella walks into his shoulder the next day, when he's expecting her to come near and talk to him as a friend, but no. I was like, "Ooo, diss on Eddy!"

-"Okay, now I'm afraid."

-I love it when Edward pulls into the school parking lot, and everyone looks because either a) It's Edward Cullen, or b) they notice someone knew in the car.
Then everyone's head turns when Edward walks around to get the door for Bella, and she steps out and everyone looks at her like she's a celebrity.

-The sunglasses!!!

-"Everybody's staring," said Bella to Edward. "No, that guy's not looking. OK, he just looked."

-"Since I'm going to hell, might as well do it thoroughly." *Puts arm over Bella's shoulders* (Sure, because that's why he did that.)

-I love Angela. And Seth. But Seth isn't in this movie, sadly, so just Angela.

-I believe there was a montage of Edward and Bella getting to know each other, and that was great.

-Mike's line where he says, "So you and Cullen, huh?" like he's trying to not let his annoyance show, so it sounds like awkward/surprise/strained. Then: "I, uh, I don't like it." *Blatant*

-The entire Eric vs. Mike rivalry.

-The Edward to Billy and Billy to Edward stare down. They rolled down their windows and slowed down and everything! The eyes almost was a good touch, me thinks.

-The Renee conversation, especially the end.

-Yay! No short-shorts, like we saw in the commercial!

-Edward's face when Bella was sleeping and she hugged his. That was well-played and priceless. It was saying, "Um...what am I supposed to do? I feel moderately uncomfortable." Very funny.

-It was so funny when Emmet, who was already scary to Bella, waved to her with a butcher knife.

-Edward's face after Alice hugs Bella, and especially when she says, "Don't worry, Jasper. You won't hurt her," was PRICELESS!

-The thing where they were in the tree, and the music starting playing, and the camera angles were that of a soaring bird, that was amazing. Definitely one of those heart stopping moments.

-Loads gun. "Bring him in." --Charlie

-Rosalie's face when Bella calls out on her.

-Victoria was great in this movie!

-The Edward and Bella argument in the car was surprisingly good.

-Kristen acted so well when she was telling Charlie that she was leaving him. Though, she was a good actress throughout.

-The fight scene was possibly more epic than even the Cullen entrance.

-Kristen in very good at faking pain.

-The montage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-I love how Bella/Kristen reacts when Edward says something about leaving. Perfect.

-I was cracking up when Bella was signing to Jessica about her dress, and she's like, "I know!" and gives her a thumbs up. The cherry on top: Belward just turns around awkwardly to leave.

-I love the slow-dance.

-Arguably the best part in the movie, the part that had the theater whispering, "Oh, crap," "Oh my God," and various curse words:
Victoria, watching them at Prom.

The next part will be things I DON'T like about. It'll probably only be one part.

November 21, 2008

Twilight Movie! (MAJOR Spoiler Alert) Part 1

Today is, as you must know, is November 21st, A.K.A. The Twilight Movie Premier Day. Every other minute I was saying to my neighbor, "Seven hours and thirty-seven minutes! We're so close!" or something along those lines, but I was mostly counting down the minutes.

I saw it at 5:20 p.m. I was in line at 4:10 p.m. I left my house at 3:53 p.m. I left the theater at 7:37 p.m.

As I was driving to Pizza Hut, my friends and I were talking about the movie, and I realized that I said, "My favorite part was..." about eight times, so I also realized that I was in love with the movie, something I had not anticipated.

So here is the list of my favorite parts, starting from the beginning:

-The part where, in my theater, the film skidded, then stopped for five minutes, and people got VERY mad.

-The first time in the cafe and Mike and Eric are fighting about Bella, then Tyler comes up and says, "It's okay, baby. I gotcha' back," then kisses her cheek really quick and runs away. Mike chases after him like lightning, and Eric brings up the rear.

-The Cullen Cafe Entrance=Epic. Electric Guitar Solo and all. They were just stomping in, two at a time, couples first, and it was like, "Ba nahw, ba nahw, ba nahw, ba na na na nawh, ba nahw..." Epic.

-Edward's listening to the conversation between Jessica and Bella on her first day.

-"She's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain." --Jessica

-The way Edward looked and what he did when Bella came in to Biology. He had his hand over his mouth like he was going to throw up or pass out from her B.O.

-The conversations with Renee.

-Robert's facial expressions in the second Biology class.

-"Are you serious?" "What?" "You're asking me about the weather?" "Um...yes?" "Well, I don't like it. I don't like anything wet, or cold." Edward laughs at the "cold" remark. Pun unintended.

-The hallway scene after the second bio class. I don't know why. Rob did look awesome in that part.

-Kirsten/Bella's face after Robert/Edward saves her from the van.

-The way Charlie treated Tyler was great! He was so critical and mean and funny!

-When Bella gets caught spying on Rosalie, Carlisle, and Edward

-The conversation that follows.

-The narration

-Mr. Malina is great!

-The ask-out from Mike to Bella, and Edward's reaction.

-Edward's explanation of how he stopped the van.

-I kinda' like how Edward acts like such a jerk after the field trip with the, "No. Our bus is full."

-"Edible art?" The apple-leg-hand thing. That entire conversation. I do not know why, but the line "C'mon, you should come tomorrow. Have some fun," really stuck with me.

-Bella telling Angela that she is a strong, independent woman, and that she should ask Eric. I understood why they just got Eric to be the Ben.

-It's funny how Jessica thought Bella had a major crush on Edward and was teasing her about it. I like that one person (Angela or Eric?) defends her and Mike is like, "Yeah, he doesn't get invited anywhere 'cause he's a freak."

-The flash-back was pretty cool. I like how Jacob told the story.

-I laughed so hard when Jessica was talking about her dress and how it made her look good.

-I laughed when Edward said, "You should put on your seatbelt," like it was a comeback to Bella's "You should put on your seatbelt."

-The part where Edward was telling Bella what everyone in the room was thinking about, I was cracking up. ___. Money. ___. Money. ___. Money. ___. Money. Cat."

-I am completely in love with the montage. I adore how she pictured herself wearing the fancy clothes, laying on the red couch, and Edward was the better-looking Dracula, drinking from her neck.

More to come, because this is a very long list already!!!

November 17, 2008

Smart Art

Alright, I got two pieces of art back from my art class today.

One of them is a fish, but it was too skinny, and people only seem to make fun of that when fish anorexia is a very serious matter. She is also too long, but the other fishies are just jealous that she looks like a model. The other school fish and their makers (A.K.A. the kids in my art class) have been saying mean things, such as calling her "sardine" and saying that "her eyes are on opposite sides of her face!" So what if I put one eye on the upper part of her head and the other eye on the lower? It's very rude to tease her so.

The second is a perspective drawing. She placed the best ones (in her opinion) outside on the wall. Mine was entitled "The Suicide Club Raids Suburbia." It's not really of Suburbia, but it's supposed to be a very orderly, pleasing place to our metaphorical unseen watching guards. If you don't get it, then let me tell you something about The Suicide Club:

They challenge the social order

They do not follow unwritten rules such as "Do not climb bridge suspensions!"

They are free from the feeling that they are being watched by some unseen watchman, who will punish them for breaking unwritten society rules.

So in my drawing, I drew the Suicide Club (A.K.A. The Cacophony Society (2.0)) preforming their parades and marches and breaking of fake rules in Suburbia, or at least, the Suburbia I drew for them. But of course, no one got what I was talking about until I explained it to them, and even then they did not recognize its symbolic worth, nor its importance. They didn't even comprehend that the Cacophony Society Members were to be admired for their defiance, though this defiance would only cause most people embarrassment (due to the fact that they believe someone is watching, waiting to scold and laugh).

So, I'm just mad (and sad) that Ms. Neumeyr couldn't fully appreciate the contents of my drawing for what it is.

November 16, 2008

Jane Austen Is A Vampire

I think that Jane Austen might be a vampire. I (as my friends know all too well) am 100% obsessed with reading. I can read anything, and I love reading everything. In late September I started my first Austen book, Sense And Sensibility. I only just got to chapter 43, of 50 chapters. Only 78 pages to go! It has taken me 2 months to read a 337 page book. That's not supposed to happen! I was able to read most books in two days, no matter the book. Do you know why? Because I was obsessed with reading. Jane has sucked out that obsession with her slow-going plots! The obsession was in my blood! And she just sucked it out! Like a vamp! I must get my reading mojo back!! There are so many exclamation points!!!

The second I finish Sense And Sensibility, I must begin recovery by reading good, new, well-paced, YA books, such as:

Breathe My Name
Sucks To Be Me
Dead Is The New Black
Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year
Take Me There
Vampire Academy
Suite Scarlett
Wuthering HIgh
White Is For Magic
The Summoning
Generation Dead
Zombie Blondes
Shattered Mirror
No Rest For The Wiccan

As you see, I have many options. And I'm a read-a-holic. And I am desperate to get my "mojo" back. If you have any suggestions as to another book I should try, or which one I should read first (believe me, I have a definite problem with that), then leave me a hint in the comments.

Zombies Rule!

Ok, you may or may not know of the online war which has been raging since February. The fight is about who is better: Zombies or Unicorns? I say zombies, of course. They're just so cool!
Here's a list of reasons why unicorns are useless and are 110% inferior to zombies:

1) Unicorns are just horses with a piece of corn (hence the word "corn" in "unicorn") on their head.

2) They don't even use their corn/horn thing to hurt people.

3) They are easily killable.

4) Have they ever taken over a civilization?

5) They let people ride on them! Such pushovers.

6) There are girly, breakable, wimpish dolls of unicorns.

Now, here's a list of reasons why zombies are awesome:

1) They are human, but awesomer.

2) They aren't afraid of eating people.

3) They are UNDEAD!!!

4) They are future world dictators.

5) Zombies never take no for an answer. (Running away counts as a "No.")

6) I don't think I can count how many zombie movies have been made. They're celebrities!

Now, to all you unicorn lovers, I'm sure that the zombs will remember this when they take over the world one city at a time. I doubt they'll show much mercy. I, on the other hand, will be
their secretary/adviser/war leader person.

If you want more reasons as to why Zombies rock my socks, go to MaureenJohnson(dot)blogspot(dot)com.